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23 Killer Fiverr Tips and Tricks How to Rank Your Fiverr Gig

23 Awesome Fiverr Tips and Tricks How to Rank Fiverr Gig On First Page
23 Awesome Fiverr Tips and Tricks How to Rank Fiverr Gig On First Page

Are you looking for how to rank Fiverr gig on the first page and get more orders? then don’t worry in this blog I will share with you 23 secrets tips and tricks that will help you how to rank your Fiverr gig.

For the newbie to get starting is very difficult on any freelancing platform. So, on Fiverr also very difficult to get starting.

Many freelancers are looking for tips that how to rank their Fiverr gig on the first page because if your gig will be on 1st page you will get more orders.

On Fiverr freelancing, there is huge competition, because buyers only get any service only at 5$ so it is very important to get fast orders on Fiverr to know how to rank gig.

23 Killer Fiverr Tips and Tricks How to Rank Your Fiverr Gig:

The below listed 23 tips and tricks help freelance how to rank Fiverr gigs and get more orders.
  • First Order As Soon As Possible
  • On-Page SEO Of Your Fiverr Gig
  • Find Target Keywords
  • In Fiverr Gig Title Use Target Keywords
  • In Tags Use Target Keywords
  • Use Target Keywords In Gig Description
  • Target Keywords In Price
  • Add Target Keywords In FAQ
  • Add Target Keywords In Gig Requirement Section
  • Make Trustworthy Clients & Relation
  • Upload Video On Fiverr Gig
  • Grow Conversation Rate
  • Share Your Fiver Gig On Social Media
  • Create Multiple Fiver Gig in One Category
  • Complete Order On Time
  • Cheap Price
  • PDF Portfolio
  • Good Average Selling Rate
  • Online 24/7
  • Become a Higher Level Seller
  • Try To Get New Orders Daily
  • Get Good Reviews
  • Miscellaneous factors
So now I will explain all above 25 tips and tricks in detail.

1-First Order As Soon As Possible

As a freelancer, I know the importance of reviews because the review increases the buyer’s trust and more chances to get orders.

For your first order, you can ask your friends and family to buy your Fiverr gig & give you a positive review with excellent comments.

If you are friends are not agree to buy your Fiverr gig then there are many people on Facebook who are selling reviews just buy from them. So, these are the first tips on how to rank your Fiverr gig on the first page.

2-On-Page SEO Of Your Fiverr Gig

One-page SEO help to rank your gig on the first page, the same as people use this method for ranking their website as well.

So, for this, we need to focus on our target keywords but don’t worry if you don’t know about On-Page SEO because our next 7 points are related to On-Page SEO.

3-Find Target Keywords

Selection of the right keywords is very important mostly beginners do this mistake, only they create their Fiverr gig without focusing on specific keywords.

So first you need to search your target keywords ( Focus Keyword ), the keywords must be related to your services and skills.

For example, my focus or target keyword is SEO Article Writing.

4-In Fiverr Gig Title Use Target Keywords

So, now we have already selected the target keywords, now you must use this target keyword in the Fiverr gig title, remember you can use multi keywords as well.

This is very important for Fiverr ranking algorithm 2020.

23 Awesome Fiverr Tips and Tricks How to Rank Fiverr Gig On First Page
23 Awesome Fiverr Tips and Tricks How to Rank Fiverr Gig On First Page

As you can see from the above title, So using this strategy will surely help you how to rank your Fiverr gig on the first page.

5-In Tags Use Target Keywords

So, in the next step, you must use these target keywords in the tags section as well.

Because the Fiverr tags can help you to get an excellent deal if you used them wisely, it means using target keywords you can rank your Fiverr gig on the first page.

For example, our target keyword is SEO Article Writing so use it as a tag, you can add up to 5 Fiverr tags so others four other tags also you must use most search tags related to your skills.

This is the top Fiverr gig ranking formula.

6-Use Target Keywords In Gig Description

The Fiverr description for beginners is challenging, you have to use your target keywords in the Fiverr gig description as well.

But it will be best for you if you use your target keywords at the start of the Fiverr gig description.

Best Fiverr Gig Description Samples:

So there are some Fiverr gig description samples that will help you, how to rank Fiverr gig on the first page.

Are you looking for SEO friendly article writing service? So, in this line, we use our target keyword.

Fiverr gig description samples for data entry is ” Are you looking for date entry expert at the lowest rate?

So above is the Fiverr gig description example. You can also use an online Fiverr gig description generator.

7-Target Keywords In Price

According to Fiverr gig ranking algorithm 2021, you must use your target keyword in the price section as well.

23 Awesome Fiverr Tips and Tricks How to Rank Fiverr Gig On First Page

8-Add Target Keywords In FAQ

FAQs are very important to rank Fiverr gigs add target keywords in all FAQs.

You must add all questions in the FAQ that you think that buyer will ask before the order.

Every question, even if you provide any extra services that also you could explain in the FAQ.

You have to add the best faq for Fiverr, the Fiverr questions and answers must be related to your skills and services.


23 Awesome Fiverr Tips and Tricks How to Rank Fiverr Gig On First Page

Fiverr questions for buyer example is above in picture but Fiverr faq seller must be according to Fiverr seller skills and services.

So we can say that the FAQs play a vital role in Fiverr promoted gigs eligibility.

9-Add Target Keywords In Gig Requirement Section

The requirement part of the Fiverr gig is important. You have to add Fiverr requirements questions that what you need to start.

You have to add your target keywords in the Fiverr gig requirement section as well.

Example of Buyer Requirements:

Please provide me with full detail for SEO Article Writing. So this is the Fiverr buyer requirements example.

10-Make Trustworthy Clients & Relationships

You have to maintain a good relationship with customers.

So, the best client relationship practice, is that show them your previous work don’t only just tell them that you can do this, etc.

If you have a strong online portfolio then no need to convince or force to clients that buy your Fiverr gig. Because your work will speak itself so this is the best way to build a trust format for the client.

You Have To Client Relations Skills As Well Like:

  • Business Skills
  • Communication Skills

11-Upload Video On Fiverr Gig

A video is very important for how to rank Fiverr gig on the first page, it will boost your gig more than the image. So, you have to make your video with your smartphone or camera if you have.

The Fiverr gig video size is a minimum of thirty seconds and a maximum of two minutes.
The Fiverr gig video size width and height is 1920X1080 but remember the condition is less than 50 MB.
Canva is the best tool for Fiverr gig video maker free.

12-Grow Conversation Rate

As you know that Fiverr tracks the conversation rate of every Fiverr gig for 30 days.

But normally must be between 5% and 10%.

So you have to increase your conversation rate.

13-Share Your Fiver Gig On Social Media

The best way to promote your Fiverr gig is through social media. Because Fiverr wants you to spread the word to promote your service on social media.

Normally freelancers don’t know how to promote Fiverr gigs on social media platforms.

You Have To Share Fiverr Gig On:

The best way is that you need to join your niche-related groups and then share your Fiverr gig in those groups.

14-Create Multiple Fiver Gig in One Category

If you hired more, of course, it will help how to rank the gig to the first page.

So, if you make multiple gigs in the same category but different subcategories this way will increase your chance to get more orders on Fiverr.

15-Complete Order On Time

If you complete your order on time then it is key for your Fiverr profile.

The Fiverr algorithm work like this if you complete all orders on time then Fiverr will give you priority.

The Two Major Points For Gigs Ranking On Fiverr:
  • On-Time Delivery
  • Quality Work

So, just deliver your all projects on time and give quality work so it will help you how to rank the Fiverr gig on the first page because this is the best tip for Fiverr gig optimization.

16-Cheap Price

Price matters on Fiverr as a freelancer you know that 5$ per gig is the minimum and Fiverr default price.

So you have option three Fiverr gig packages

The best way is that start with a low rate but you can also start with a high price but review after a few days. If you are getting the orders then it’s ok otherwise decrease your price so apply this Fiverr pricing strategy.

17-PDF Portfolio

Remember that don’t leave any section empty when you create a Fiverr gig. So you need to add a PDF portfolio as well.

It will help you how to rank your Fiverr gig.

18-Good Average Selling Rate

So, you have an also good average selling rate as well, the question is that What is meant by the average selling price on Fiverr?

So, in simple words, you can say that the average selling rate is the average amount of earnings you have with your orders on Fiverr.

For example, if you have an order of 30$ consistently and you don’t have any other order between 5$ to10$ then Fiverr will give you an average selling rate 30$.

However, when someone searches for service on Fiverr and selects the budget then Fiverr will show your gig if the client has a budget of around 30$.

19-Online 24/7

When you create your Fiverr gig then check your first page but when you visit the next day your Fiverr gig is on the second page.

So, what is the reason? the reason is that you stay offline according to the Fiverr algorithm if you spend more time online then you will rank on the first page.

So, if you stay online 24/7 then you have more chances, how to rank your first gig on the first page.

20-Become a Higher Level Seller

If you get a higher level then Fiverr will promote you. At the start, you are a new seller then you will become a level, one seller, after earning 400$ this is Fiverr level 1 seller’s requirements.

It will take 1 to two moth to get level one. So level two you must earn a total of 2000$.

However, when you will get levels 1,2 then you have more chances to get orders because Fiverr will help you to rank your Fiverr gig on the first page.

21-Try To Get New Orders Daily

It is very difficult to get orders daily but you must try to start it will take some time after that you will get easily daily order.

Because if you get daily orders then Fiverr will promote your Fiverr gig on the first page.

22-Get Good Reviews

The most important factor that will help to rank your fiver gig is good reviews and star.

If you have the majority of 5 stars on your gig then Fiverr will automatically rank your Fiverr gig. So try to deliver quality work and make good relations with clients to get good reviews.

23-Miscellaneous factors

There are other miscellaneous factors also so you have to keep eye on them.

For example, as google change its policies the same also Fiverr change its policies as well.

There are thousands of new sellers on Fiverr so they get orders very easily by applying daily 10 bids and top-rated get orders automatically.

So you have to check Fiverr policies always.